text="Click Next to enter the information you need to access the Internet using Netscape Navigator."
[Mode Selection]
[New Acct Mode]
[New Acct Text]
IntroText1="To set up a new account and create your Internet connection, you need to provide:"
IntroItem1="- Personal Information"
IntroItem2="- Billing Information"
IntroItem3="- Modem Information"
IntroItem4="- Dialing Information"
RegServerTitle="Connecting to establish a new Internet account"
RegServerText1="You are now ready to connect to the automated account creation server."
RegServerItem1=" "
RegServerItem2=" "
RegServerItem3=" "
RegServerText2="There will be a few additional questions to answer before the process is complete."
[Survey Text]
IntroText1="Please take a moment to fill out the online registration form. The information you provide will help us improve our products and services."
IntroText2="You will be registered automatically when you connect to the server."
IntroText1="To get started using Netscape Navigator, you will need to provide:"
IntroItem1="- Account Information"
IntroItem2="- Modem Information"
IntroItem3="- Dialing Information"
Intro2Text1="You need to have the following information ready when you proceed:"
Intro2Item1="Account login name and password"
Intro2Item2="Access phone number for your service provider"
Intro2Item3="Domain Name Server (DNS) number (ex:"
Intro2Item4="News (NNTP) and mail (SMTP and POP) server addresses (ex: news.mydomain.com)"
ConnectLater1="You have chosen to connect to the Internet at a later time. When you're ready to explore the Internet, just double-click on the Netscape Navigator icon on the desktop."
ConnectLater2="After you connect, register your software by clicking the Help menu, and then clicking Registration Information."
EmailText="For email, if your service provider requires a different login and password than the ones you just entered, enter them now. You can also enter this information later using the Options menu in Netscape Navigator."
[Chose New-Existing Text]
Title="Connecting to the Internet"
Text1="To help you access the Internet, we first need to know if you already have an account."
Text2="If you can already access web pages and email you have an existing Internet account."
NewAccount="I need to create a &new Internet account"
ExistingAccount="I need to use an &existing Internet account"